
It is a time of blessing as women embrace rest, renewal, and restoration through the ceasing of their monthly cycle. It is an acknowledgment of the Creator’s plan for their bodies to come full circle, and a time to focus on maintaining health and contentment.
In our society, we are told to believe that the phase of perimenopause or menopause is something to feared, something to be anxious about, and something to dread. But if we can take a step back, and notice, and go to God’s truth, we can see that our design as women is a good design. Our ceasing of cycling is a blessing to us, God’s way.
With the shifts in our understanding of the role of hormones today, we see that hormonal health encompasses our whole selves. It is holistic, embodying mind, body and spirit. It is not, as the world would make you believe, a physical event only
“In menopause, blood is ceasing or waning. There is a reason for that. Menopause is derived from the Greek words mēn (month) and pausis (pause/stop). God is giving you another aspect to life, another blessing, by taking that cleansing season and ending it. I believe God uses this season to give us a new beginning. It is a season to be grateful for because God has ordained this as a complete cycle that lasts for approximately 40 years. He is giving us a time of peace and a new, refreshed outlook on life. It is a ‘promised land’ of sorts.” – Doran Richards

Lara Briden states:
Perimenopause is the two to twelve years before menopause. It can cause heavy periods, mood swings, insomnia, and night sweats. Menopause is the life phase
that begins one year after the last period. It can cause hot flushes, weight gain, and insomnia. Perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms can be relieved by natural
treatments such as magnesium, taurine, progesterone, and transdermal estrogen.
You can order her book here.

Aviva Romm states:
Botanical (herbal) medicines, simple nutritional approaches, and a positive attitude can provide mild, effective alternatives to hormones and other drugs with much less concern for their safety. Herbs have been long used by herbalists and naturopathic physicians in the US and Europe. In countries such as France, Germany, and the United Kingdom they are considered part of standard medical care. Integrative doctors in the US are increasingly recommending their use because of studies showing safety and effectiveness.
You can order her book here.

We have tools to utilize in our tool box. When we know better we do better. We may not have been told, taught, or encouraged to seek out holistic health, but now is the time to turn the tide for the next generation. May you be blessed in your last cycling years and find optimal health of mind, body and spirit.
Recommended Books
Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health by Aviva Romm
Naturally Healthy Women by Shonda Parker
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause by John R. Lee
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause by John R. Lee
New Menopausal Years The Wise Woman Way by Susun S. Weed
The Afternoon of Life: Finding Purpose and Joy in Midlife by Elyse Fitzpatrick
The Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup
Mother-Daughter Wisdom by Christiane Northrup
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup
We are thrilled to announce that
our new book is available for purchase on Amazon and directly from Doran!
The Blessings of Maidenhood, Maternity & Menopause
is a clarion call to women everywhere. Doran Richards shares her knowledge and passion for women to change the tide of negativity in our churches, communities and culture with regards to women’s bodies, phases, and cycles. What is often lost to many, ignored, or steeped in deep-rooted cultural deceptions and negativity, is the exhortation to look once again to our Creator, His design, and His purpose. Doing so brings a welcome understanding of the physiological truth, spiritual significance, and a call to action is so desperately needed among women of today.
About the Author
Doran’s love and passion is helping women see that all phases and cycles of womanhood are blessings to us, God’s way. She has created resources and tools to help women embrace how our Creator has fearfully & wonderfully made their bodies. She is a Certified Professional Midwife serving women and their families through maternity, birth, and postpartum. She also is the author of a curriculum for girls titled Maidens by His Design. She is a speaker and has been to several international locations where she has used her gifts and passion for holistic women’s health. She is also a Shepherd for the Northeast Region for Holy Yoga Instructors. Her yoga training includes: Trauma, Pre/Post Natal, and Yin. She holds a Masters in her yoga certifications.